5 Common E-Commerce SEO Mistakes 


1. Physical location importance

If the brand has a physical location it’s important to add that address in the footer. Because Google will rank the brand better with those locations.

2. Lack of good product descriptions

Without good product descriptions, the product can never be listed in the top 10. So the common mistake about this mostly can be no, thin, or duplicated product descriptions. It is almost the most essential thing to present a quality product description. This will help the buyer and the brand build good contact. It’s a kind of win-win situation.

3. Proper technical elements

Avoid using dynamic URLs based on time (IE: 2013-flower-arrangements) ESPECIALLY on category pages. If the homepage redirects from the root, the website will have a hard time ranking. Keep it simple and clean. Always use the main root domain.

4. Content on the page

Meta descriptions, images, related products, reviews, related blog posts… All of these can be good opportunities to make the users and consumers spend more time on the website.

5. Lack of unique titles.

Never duplicate the content or the titles. It is spammy. Google’s most important indicator of what the page is about, is the title of a page. Also duplicating from other pages will affect the rank of the page badly.