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5 Reasons a Separate Mobile Site From Web Design Gibraltar Excels Over Responsive Website

Due to the skills of professional website design Gibraltar development teams, modern Internet users may consider a successful mobile website as little more than the slick placement of audio content, graphics and worthwhile information. Yet there is nothing simple about professional mobile website development.

Here are five reasons you should consider a separate web design Gibraltar mobile solution.
1) Why Take Up the Mobile Banner?

According to market resource statistics, by 2016, the total number of U.S. smartphone users will be nearly 192 million. Even now, nearly 28 percent of the U.S. population is making mobile devices the primary route to web access. The potential for lost contacts, opportunities and sales makes it imperative that companies take up the banner of mobile website development.

2) Distinctions Between Tailored Web Design Gibraltar and an Integrated Responsive Design

From social networking to online shopping, mobile devices have become the interaction tool of choice. Optimizing the web experience for mobile access is the only logical way to establish a fully functional mobile experience.

Sites that share code without regard to device live under a rule that reduces the opportunity to create forked content and disparate user experiences. Sites that function under custom device detection and routing processes gain a distinct opportunity to capitalise on the individual features of mobile devices.

3) Navigation: Accessibility Versus Real Estate

Website navigation should be easy to follow and easy to comprehend. However, the features of navigation must also fit into the available display real estate. Popular responsive techniques often engage shoddily coded, fly-out navigation practices. Partially crafted, mobile-specific designs often result in incomplete site accessibility.

4) Performance, Connection Speed and Loading Speed

Responsive websites are designed for desktop computing. The average page lumbers in at one MB. Statistics indicate that the majority of mobile visitors abandon any site that requires more than five seconds to load. Many responsive design websites barely crack the 15-second mark.

Responsive web design can result in excessive scrolling, user confusion and a total failure to notice core content. Custom mobile website design Gibraltar never fails to ensure that users can quickly and efficiently identify core content.

5) Take Advantage of Tailored Mobile Features

In many ways, modern mobile equipment is designed to outperform desktop systems. Custom mobile website design Gibraltar ensures that your website makes the most out of mobile computing efficiency.